Chantelle said to Preston:
"Does my brain look big in this?"
As he fixed the last bolt in her neck
And sealed it with a kiss.
"You look lovely babe," he purred.
"You could almost pass for real.
Now lets go and make a million
On our OK! wedding deal.
Will you take this Ordinary Boy
To be your better half?
With my girlish frame and wolfish face
I'll always make you laugh.
Even though you've got no talent
There's a certain naive charm.
So I'm sure I'll find some comfort
In your cold robotic arms."
"Oh my God," she said three times,
Her voicebox briefly stuck.
"I'm famous for doing nothing
And just can't believe my luck.
Although your brand of lightweight ska
Does nothing for my ears,
A media-bankrolled marriage
Will be great for our careers."
The big day came and Chantelle shone
In her Primark wedding dress.
While Heat magazine and GMTV
Wished the couple all success.
But Preston's band weren't happy
That he'd left them in the lurch.
And gunned the grinning groom to death
As he stepped outside the church.
Such horror stunned the nation
For a quarter of an hour.
To see romance so pure and sweet
So suddenly turn sour.
A 21st Century tragedy
Like Romeo and Juliet.
Now Chantelle walks the streets alone
With a sign that reads 'To Let'
tags: chantelle preston prestelle celebrity big brother love poems
wars are fought by boys so young
their lives just startling, journey just begun.
while men in suits, sit safely at home
young boys die, completely alone
money the motivator, power the obsession, "love thy neighbour" under oppression
men they will be so we are told
when they return, souls have been sold
youth has been taken, innocence is lost, eyes are dead, life has no cost.
to this i say, when next we fight,
send the politicians, to brave the ligth
Hmm, I guess that kinda puts the Prestelle thing in perspective...
i am really enjoying this blog. great, really great!
That's one of your best yet! Brilliant!
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